Malaysia Stepping into the Future of Modular Construction
Malaysia Melangkah ke Masa Depan Dengan Pembinaan Modular
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Rise in Electricity Tariffs could Impact Construction Sector
Kenaikan Tarif Elektrik boleh Menjejas Sektor Pembinaan
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Precision in Progress: Japan's Okana Strategic Transformation in BIM Training
Ketepatan dalam Proses: Transformasi Strategik Okana, Jepun dalam Latihan BIM
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BIM Technology Transforming Road Construction
Teknologi BIM Mengubah Pembinaan Jalan Raya
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Digital Twin Technology in Malaysia's Construction Industry
Teknologi Berkembar Digital dalam Industri Pembinaan Malaysia
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ICW 2025
Mark Your Calendars and Be Part of the Future of Construction!
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Leading Examples of Environmental Awareness Adoption in Construction Operations
Contoh Peneraju Penerapan Kesedaran Alam Sekitar dalam Operasi Pembinaan
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MKRM Achieves New Milestone: 12 Additional Scopes Approved by DSM
MKRM Mencapai Pencapaian Baru: 12 Skop Tambahan Diluluskan oleh DSM
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Malaysia Reaffirms Its Position Against the False Claim of Nvidia AI Chip Smuggling
Malaysia Tegaskan Kedudukannya Menentang Tuntutan Palsu Penyeludupan Cip AI Nvidia 
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AI Chip Imposes Raise Concerns for Construction Sector to Work on Data Centres
Sekatan Cip AI Menimbulkan Kebimbangan untuk Sektor Pembinaan Mengusahakan Pusat Data
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Construction Industry 4.0 Transformation Underway
Transformasi Industri Pembinaan 4.0 Dalam Pelaksanaan
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2024 in Brief: Major Infrastructures Occupied Malaysian Construction Industry
Ringkasan 2024: Kerja-kerja Infrastruktur Memenuhi Ruangan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia
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The Boom in Data Centre Construction Sets Malaysia to a Great Start
Letusan Pembinaan Pusat Data Memberi Malaysia Permulaan Tahun yang Hebat
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Construction is Going Galactic: The Space Boom and Earthly Opportunities
Pembinaan Maju Galaksi: Ledakan dan Peluang Angkasa
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Spaceports and Megafactories: The New Frontier for Construction
Pelabuhan Angkasa dan Kilang Mega: Sempadan Baharu untuk Pembinaan
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Part 5: The Future of Facilities Management—Innovation and Sustainability
Bahagian 5: Masa Depan Pengurusan Fasiliti—Inovasi dan Kemapanan
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Part 4: Aligning FM with International Standards
Bahagian 4: Menyelaraskan FM dengan Standard Antarabangsa
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Part 3: Understanding Contracts in Facilities Management
Bahagian 3: Memahami Kontrak dalam Pengurusan Fasiliti
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Part 2: Managing Risks and Seizing Opportunities in FM
Bahagian 2: Mengurus Risiko dan Merebut Peluang dalam FM
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The Future of Facilities Management: Navigating Risks, Driving Value, and Achieving Standards Excellence
Masa Depan Pengurusan Kemudahan: Menavigasi Risiko, Memacu Nilai dan Mencapai Standard Kecemerlangan
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Part 2: Innovations for a Greener Urban Landscape
Part 2: Innovations for a Greener Urban Landscape
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Greening the Built Environment: A Blueprint for Sustainable Construction Part 1: The Urgent Case for Greener Buildings
Greening the Built Environment: A Blueprint for Sustainable Construction Part 1: The Urgent Case for Greener Buildings
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Part 2: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities in Malaysia's Construction Landscape
Part 2: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities in Malaysia’s Construction Landscape
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Part 1: Malaysia's Construction Industry Roars Back to Life: A Boom Fueled by Investment and Infrastructure
Part 1: Malaysia’s Construction Industry Roars Back to Life: A Boom Fueled by Investment and Infrastructure
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Part 2: Sustainable and Resilient Cities: A Blueprint for the Future
Part 2: Sustainable and Resilient Cities: A Blueprint for the Future
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Part 1: Cities for the Future: Addressing Urbanisation and Inclusivity
Part 1: Cities for the Future: Addressing Urbanisation and Inclusivity
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Scaffolding Safety: The Foundation of Excellence in Construction
Scaffolding Safety: The Foundation of Excellence in Construction
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Malaysia's Construction Sector: Seizing Opportunities Amid Global Challenges
Key Takeaways: Seizing Opportunities Amid Global Challenges
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Malaysia's Construction Sector: Seizing Opportunities Amid Global Challenges
Malaysia’s Construction Sector: Seizing Opportunities Amid Global Challenges
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Malaysia's Climate Future: Balancing Emissions Reduction with Urgent Adaptation Needs
Malaysia’s Climate Future: Balancing Emissions Reduction with Urgent Adaptation Needs
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Power of Retrofit: A Path to Sustainable Urban Development
Kuasa Retrofit: Laluan ke Pembangunan Bandar Mampan
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Building Vision for Tomorrow
Membina Visi untuk Kemudian Hari
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Construction Essentials: Open BIM Software by CYPE
Keperluan Pembinaan: Open BIM Software oleh CYPE
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Pelancaran Sistem CIDBH iENTRY: Memantapkan Pengurusan Pekerja Asing Berkemahiran
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Strengthening Defences Against Cyber Threats in the Construction Industry
Memperkukuh Pertahanan Menentang Ancaman Siber dalam Industri Pembinaan
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Hackers Target Construction Firms Through Vulnerable Accounting Software
Penggodam Menyasarkan Firma Pembinaan Melalui Perisian Perakaunan Yang Terdedah
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Hong Kong Scientists Develop Innovative Bar-Bending Robot 
Saintis Hong Kong Membangunkan Robot Lentur Bar Inovatif
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Technology Behind Volvo’s Electric Machines and Their Efficiency
Teknologi Di Sebalik Mesin Elektrik Volvo dan Kecekapannya
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Building Green: Electric Machines Lead Charge in Sustainable Construction
Pembangunan Hijau: Mesin Elektrik Mengetuai dalam Pembinaan Mampan
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Hotel Construction Booming in APEC Region
Pembinaan Hotel Meningkat di Wilayah APEC
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Bali Considers Construction Ban to Curb Overdevelopment
Bali Pertimbangkan Larangan Pembinaan Untuk Mengekang Pembangunan Terlalu Banyak
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Significant Milestone: Completion of Motorway On Corridor VC Section Počitelj-Zvirovići (Lot 1) BiH
Pencapaian Penting: Penyiapan Lebuhraya Di Koridor VC Section Počitelj-Zvirovići (Lot 1) BiH
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Rehabilitation Works On Four Senegalese Stadiums
Kerja-kerja Pemulihan Di Empat Stadium Senegal
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The Importance Of Urban Rail In Creating Sustainable Cities
Kepentingan Rel Bandar Dalam Mewujudkan Bandar Mampan
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Gamuda Committed To Australia And Beyond
Gamuda Komited Kepada Australia Dan Seterusnya
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With its proven record in Malaysia (delivering mainline and urban rail lines), Australia, Singapore, Taiwan and more, Gamuda is now ready to contribute again to its home country through more rail projects. Many projects are currently under construction on the rail front, such as the East Coast Rail Link, the Johor Baru to Singapore LRT, the proposed high-speed rail from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, and the MRT3 (Circle Line). When it comes to urban rail, the Shah Alam line (formerly known as LRT3) is expected to enter into revenue service by Sept 2025, while the JB-Singapore RTS is expected to begin service in 2026, followed by ECRL in 2027 (for the stretch from Kota Baru to Gombak). This month, Malaysia has invited public feedback on the proposed alignment and station locations for its MRT3, a project that could take up to a decade to realise. Amidst all the above, the long-awaited Penang LRT is now shovel-ready, with Gamuda all ready to commence work as soon as the green light is given. Officially known as the Mutiara LRT Line, this proposed urban rail system stretches 28 km to connect George Town with Jelutong, Gelugor, and Bayan Lepas on Penang island. It will also have a future link towards Seberang Perai to bring commuters to and from the Penang mainland across the Penang Strait. The project, owned by Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn Bhd, is a critical component of the Penang Transport Master Plan and is expected to have 21 stations. Suppose construction begins on time next quarter. In that case, the line is expected to be completed by 2030, relieving the congested roads in Penang, the fifth-largest economy among Malaysian states. Related articles: Gamuda Committed To Australia And Beyond The Importance Of Urban Rail In Creating Sustainable Cities
Rel Kereta Api Stim Di Malaysia
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Navigating the Future of Construction with AI-Powered Robotics
Menavigasi Masa Depan Pembinaan dengan Robotik Dikuasakan AI
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The construction industry is on the brink of a significant transformation as AI-powered robots become increasingly prevalent. While robots have long been used in manufacturing, their potential impact on construction is gaining attention, especially with advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). According to industry experts, adopting AI-powered "humanoid" robots could substantially change the workforce, possibly reducing the number of human jobs in construction. Investment bank Morgan Stanley recently highlighted the growing trend of integrating AI with robotics, particularly in humanoid robots that could be deployed across various industries, including construction. These robots, equipped with large language models and generative AI capabilities, such as those seen in ChatGPT, could handle tasks traditionally performed by human workers, potentially reducing the need for manual labour on construction sites. The use of AI in construction is driven by the industry's ongoing struggle to attract and retain skilled workers. As the working-age population in advanced economies continues to decline, construction companies face increasing difficulties in maintaining productivity. AI-powered robots could offer a solution by filling the labour gap and ensuring that projects are completed efficiently. However, the introduction of these robots has its challenges. The transition could prove politically and socially divisive, raising concerns about job displacement and the broader implications for the workforce. Morgan Stanley warns that up to 70% of construction jobs could be affected by the widespread adoption of AI-powered robots, leading to significant changes in the industry. Despite these concerns, proponents of AI in construction argue that robots could help alleviate labour shortages, particularly in regions with shrinking and ageing populations. By automating repetitive and physically demanding tasks, AI-powered robots could improve safety on construction sites and allow human workers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of the job. Stay tuned for Part 2, where we explore how the construction industry can navigate the challenges and opportunities brought by AI-powered robotics.
Robot AI Boleh Mengubah Industri Pembinaan dan Mengurangkan Tenaga Kerja
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Stricter Geotechnical Standards Introduced for Construction in Kuala Lumpur
Piawaian Geoteknik yang Lebih Ketat Diperkenalkan untuk Pembinaan di Kuala Lumpur
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Terkini dari HEIGHTS

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Komitmen Sunway Construction terhadap Kelestarian dan Tindakan Iklim

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Strengthening Collaboration: CIDB Hosts Interaction & Iftar Event with Key Agencies

Memperkukuh Kolaborasi: CIDB Anjur Majlis Interaksi dan Iftar Bersama Agensi Berkepentingan

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Scanwolf Builders Secures RM42 Million Construction Contract
Tip & Panduan

Scanwolf Builder Peroleh Kontrak Pembinaan Bernilai RM42 Juta

Scanwolf Corporation Bhd’s wholly owned subsidiary, Scanwolf Builder Sdn Bhd, has been awarded a RM42…

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