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Program For Industry

Safety And Health

Safety And Health Assessment System In ConstructionWhat is SHASSIC?SHASSIC AssessorsSHASSIC Assessment Process FlowStandard SHASSIC (CIS 10:2020)

Program For Industry

What is Safety And Health Assessment System In Construction (SHASSIC)

Keselamatan & Kesihatan SHASSIC - Safety and Health Assessment System in Construction

CIDB gives a big focus on safety and health in construction as, globally, it is a high hazard industry. Taking care the welfare of employees on- and off-site is not only humane, but makes good business sense.

Safety and health requires on-going commitment and diligence. CIDB believes that safety and health begins from the top – CEOs, board of directors and managing directors.

When top managements believe that losing a life is one too many, efforts and initiatives will be made accordingly and have a positive trickle-down effect.

From R&D to standards and guidelines, various initiatives are developed to foster safe and healthy environment consistently and diligently.

Rujuk Laman Web SHASSIC



Safety and Health Assessment System in Construction or SHASSIC is an independent method to assess and evaluate the safety and health performance of a contractor in construction works/ projects.

SHASSIC looks into three components - document check, work site inspection and employee interview.

Document Check

Work Site Inspection

Employee Interview


Many initiatives have been kick-started as the following.

  • Workers' Accommodation Models look into appropriate standards to the construction and operation of worker housing
  • Incorporate BIM in safety management
  • Study the impact of SHASSIC implementation
  • 10 pilot projects on Safety Culture Tools
  • Create a system to monitor fatality and accident rates

SHASSIC Assessors

SHASSIC Assessment Process Flow

Standard SHASSIC (CIS 10:2020)

Program For Industry

Program for Industry


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Construction Industry Standard CIS


Safety And Health


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