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Supervisor Development

Certified Facilities
Management Executive (FME)

Introduction ObjectiveAccreditation RequirementsApplicantMode Of AccreditationProgram OutcomeOther Information

Program For Industry

Introduction Objective

The role of the facility contractor is both important as it is challenging. To be globally competitive, there is an ever-present need for a contractor’s continuous development, acquisition of more sophisticated skills, and wider knowledge of more effective work procedures in tandem with technological and socio-economic evolution.

In the capabalities development of CIDB registered Facility Contractors, the competency levels of the company director/s and technical officer/s has to be first evaluated and accreditated according to competency standards developed by the Board, through the Facility Management Manager and Facility Management Executive Accreditation Program. The Board had stipulated that only companies with director/s and technical officer/s that has been evaluated and accreditated shall be considered for registration as Facility Contractor with F01 and F02 Specilisations. However, accreditation is not restricted to construction personnel involved in construction or those employed by a contractor, it is open to every other eligible construction personnel meeting accreditation terms set by the Board.

For purposes of registration as Facility Contractor with F01 and F02 Specialisation with the Board, it is highly desired and encouraged that all company directors and technical officers together with other construction personnel directly involved in facility management activities apply for accreditation by the Board.

Accreditation Objectives:

  • Improve the quality of construction facility management implemented by qualified, accreditated and competent personnel.
  • Ensuring that the Facility Manager and Executive meet the requirements of the National Occcupational Skill Standard (NOSS) or the latest standard developed by the industry.
  • Fufil the registration requirements for Facility Contractor with fields coded F01 and F02.
  • Provision of a systematic registration and accreditation platform.

Accreditation Requirements

The Facility Management Executive Program application and accreditation requirements are as follows:


Categories Minimum Academic Qualification Tahun pengalaman
Mode I(a) Mode I(b) Mode II (RPLE)
1 Professional Berdaftar (Ir. Sr Ar. Ts. etc) 1 2 3
2 Sarjana (Berkaitan Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan Fasiliti) 2 4 6
3 Sarjana (Bukan Berkaitan Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan Fasiliti) 4 6 8
4 Sarjana Muda (Berkaitan Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan Fasiliti) 4 6 8
5 Sarjana Muda (Bukan Berkaitan Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan Fasiliti) 6 8 10
6 Diploma  (Berkaitan Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan Fasiliti) 6 8 10
7 Diploma  (Bukan Berkaitan Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan Fasiliti) 8 10 12
8 Sijil/Sijil Kompetensi
(Berkaitan Pembinaan)
8 10 12
9 Sijil (Bukan Pembinaan) 10 12 14
10 Lepasan Sekolah Menengah 15 17 19
11 Lepasan Sekolah Rendah 18 20 22


Accreditation is open to all construction personnel/individuals who are directly or indirectly involved in the management of building and infrastructure facilities and meet the eligibility requirements for application and accreditation, especially Company Directors and Technical Officers from contractors who carry out the field of Building Facility Management and General Infrastructure, Health Care Building Facility Management.

Accreditation Method

The Facility Management Executive Accreditation Program is implemented in three (3) assessment modes:

  • Mode I(a) – Training & Assessment,
  • Mode I(b) – Assessment only, and
  • Mode II (RPLE) – which is Recognition Through Level of Education and Experience (Recognition Prior Learning and Experience, RPLE).

The Modes and their Assessment processes are as follows:

Mode Assessment Process
Mode I(a)
Training and Assessment
Undergoing course and sitting for written assessment for each study package.

PASS : Construction Skills Competency Level 4 Certificate will be awarded
FAIL : Repeat training for failed modules and re-assessment.
Mode I(b)
Assessment only
Sitting for written assessment

PASS : Construction Skills Competency Level 4 Certificate will be awarded
FAIL : Reapply for Mode I(b) at any time (limited to 2 times only) or obtain accreditation from any Mode.
Mode II (RPLE)
Accreditation via Level of Education and Experience (Recognition Prior Learning and Experience, RPLE).
Submission of working experience document and attending an interview

PASS : Construction Skills Competency Level 4 or 3 Certificate will be awarded, whichever is suited to certificate holder’s duites and responsibilities
FAIL : Reapply for Mode II (RPLE) at any time (limited to 2 times only) or obtain accreditation from any Mode.

Successful candidates having passed through any mode will be accreditated with a Level 4 Construction Skills Competency Certificate (CSCC) with the accreditated Facility Management Executive’s duties and responsibilities printed on the reverse of the ceritificate. Subsequently, an accreditated Facility Management Executive is required to update his registration details with the Board.

Program Outcome

The Program Outcome for the Facility Management Executive (FME) Accreditation Program:

PO Specific Criteria Program Outcome Statement
PO1 Knowledge and Competent Site Supervisor who is knowledgeable, competent to facilitate and fulfill his supervisory works efficiently in meeting the cost, time and quality expected from the project.
PO2 Safety, Quality Site Supervisor who uphold the importance of safety culture in the workplace and ensuring quality deliverables from his services.
PO3 Effective in Multidisciplinary Teams Site Supervisor who is able to work independently yet effectively in multi-disciplinary team for construction industry excellence.
PO4 Trustworthy and Communicate Effectively Site Supervisor who is reliable, helpful and able to communicate effectively and contribute his skills for efficient project management.
PO5 Ethics and the Environment Site Supervisor who applies the ethical responsibility towards society, environment and embrace the importance of sustainable development in his profession.
Module (M) Module Name
Module 01 (M01) Introduction to Facilities Management
Module 02 (M02) Operation And Maintenance (O&M) Coordination
Module 03 (M03) Leadership & Strategy Implementation
Module 04 (M04) Contract & Finance Administration
Module 05 (M05) Event Management & Emergency Response
Module 06 (M06) Safety, Health, environment and QMS & Profesional Ethics
Module 07 (M07) Resources Administration
Module 08 (M08) Roles & Responsibility of Project Team & Strategy Implementation
Module 09 (M09) Facility Management Monitoring & Control

Other Information

Program For Industry

Program for Industry


Construction Personnel

Construction Material

Construction Industry Standard CIS


Safety And Health


Environmental Sustainability

Construction Information

Global Mission

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