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Project Manager Development

Certified Construction
Project Manager (CCPM)

Introduction ObjectiveAccreditation RequirementsApplicantMode Of AccreditationProgram OutcomeOther Information

Program For Industry

Introduction Objective

Construction Project Management is a professional discipline that separates the project management function from those of design and implementation functions.

Construction Project Management is defined as management that involves development, change and innovation in operational works that encompass activities such as overall planning, coordination and control of construction projects from commencement to completion.

It’s aim is to fulfil the client’s needs in generating a construction project that is physically functional, completed within stipulated project duration and complying to set costing, quality and standards.

The objectives for the Construction Project Manager certification program are:

  • To enhance construction product quality through construction project administration by qualified and competent construction project managers.
  • To ascertain that construction project managers are accreditated under the requirements of the Construction Industry Competency Standard (CICS) developed jointly by the Board and industry players.
  • To instill a culture in tendering excellent results in the implementation of construction site tasks via principles of best practice from project commencement to completion.

Accreditation Requirements

Categories Minimum Academic Qualification Years of Experience in related construction field
Mode I(a) Mode I(b) Mode II (RPLE)
1 Registered Professional (e.g Ir., Ar., Sr.) 3 5
2 Degree in Project Management / Construction related field 3 5 6
3 Recognized International Certificate in Project Management (such as PMP (PMI), CPM (UK), CPM (IPMA), Reg. PM (AIPM) CIOB & AIB) 3 6 8
4 Bachelors Degree in construction related field 5 7 10
5 Bachelors Degree in non construction related field 8 10 12
6 Diploma in construction related field 8 10 12
7 Diploma in non construction related field 10 12 15
8 Certificate in construction related field 10 12 15
9 Malaysia Skills Certificate Construction Manager (Level 5) 5 7 10


Accreditation is now open to all construction personnel/individual who are directly or indirectly involved in project quality management at construction sites, such as engineers, architects, surveyors, construction managers and other construction related personnel who fulfil eligibility requirements for application and accreditation.

Accreditation Method

The Certified Construction Project Manager Program (CCPM) is implemented in three (3) assessment modes:

  • Mode I(a) – Training & Assessment,
  • Mode I(b) – Assessment only, and
  • Mode II (RPLE) – which is Recognition Through Level of Education and Experience (Recognition Prior Learning and Experience, RPLE).

The Modes and their Assessment processes are as follows:

Mode Assessment Process
Mode I(a)
Training and Assessment
Undergoing course and sitting for written assessment for each study package.

PASS : Construction Skills Competency Level 6 Certificate will be awarded.
FAIL : Repeat training for failed modules and re-assessment.
Mode I(b)
Assessment only
Sitting for written assessment

PASS : Construction Skills Competency Level 6 Certificate will be awarded.
FAIL : Re-apply for Mode I(b) at any time (limited to twice only) or acquire accreditation via any other Mode
Mode II (RPLE)
Accreditation via Level of Education and Experience (Recognition Prior Learning and Experience, RPLE).
Submission of working experience document and attending an interview

PASS : Construction Skills Competency Level 6 Certificate will be awarded.
FAIL : Re-apply for Mode II (RPLE) at any time (limited to twice only) or acquire accreditation via any other Mode

Successful candidates having passed through any mode will be accreditated with a Level 6 Construction Skills Competency Certificate (CSCC) with the accredited Certified Construction Manager’s (CCPM) duties and responsibilities printed on the reverse of the certificate. Subsequently, a Certified Construction Manager is required to update his registration details with the Board.

Program Outcome

The Program Outcome (PO) for the Construction Project Manager Accreditation Program is as follows:

PO Specific Criteria Program Success Statement
PO1 Knowledge and Competency Construction Project Manager who has extensive knowledge and is Competent in Facilities Management accomplishing planning, coordinating, organising, monitoring, controlling, mitigating, and managing a facility in meeting the budget, duration and quality deliverables expected along the building life cycle.
PO2 Ethics, Environment, Safety And Health Management Construction Project Manager who upholds and demonstrates the importance of Profesional Ethics, Environment, Safety and Health work culture at the facility and prioritizes the sustainable approach in his management.
PO3 Tender, Contract and Value Management Construction Project Manager who well verse in Tender, Contract and Vendor Management activities and procedures in delivering high-yield investment to his employer through systematic SWOT analysis and solve discrepancies or using appropriate dispute resolution strategies by the contract.
PO4 Procurement and Financial Management Construction Project Manager who demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of project  Procurement, Finance and Budget Management principles starting from the initial concept stage through the client’s needs/brief for effective procurement and at the same time, can predict and forecast the cash flow and execute the financing control along the project delivery until closing account.
PO5 Design & Liaison and Team Management Construction Project Manager who excels in effective communication with his employer and team which able to translate the needs into satisfactory and approved design while leading a negotiation with stakeholders and multi-disciplinary project team for authorities’ approvals within a reasonable time in compliance with all needs, technical and commercial requirements.
PO6 Quality Management, Project Planning, Monitoring And Control Construction Project Manager who ensures a quality deliverables from his team services through the efficient project planning, monitoring and control with the correct establishment of project management procedures in risk management, predicting and forecasting followed by mitigating using specific conventional techniques and modern project management tools for satisfactory documentation records.
PO7 Complex PM Techniques & Operation and Maintenance Construction Project Manager who evaluating a range of principles and complex project management techniques across wide obligations for the work of himself and others which include planning, execution and control to underpin substantial and reasonable judgmental evaluation as well as exercising credible autonomy along the process of construction until operation and maintenance.
PO8 Personal & Entrepreneur Skill Construction Project Manager who leads an exemplary personal skill including self-directing lifelong learning and facilitating great worthy entrepreneurship skills and continuously exploring and obtaining related competencies for efficient and excellent Construction Project Management.
Module (M) Module Name
Module 01 (M01) Fundamental Of Project Management Competency
Module 02 (M02) Project Initiation
Module 03 (M03) Conceptual Design & Preliminary Estimate
Modul 04 (M04) Procurement Management
Module 05 (M05) Project Planning, Monitoring And Control
Module 06 (M06) Project Financial Management
Module 07 (M07) Design Development & Authority Liaison
Module 08 (M08) Management and Quality Control
Module 09 (M09) Occupational Safety and Health Management
Module 10 (M10) Environmental Management
Module 11 (M11) Value Management
Modul 12 (M12) Tendering Management
Modul 13 (M13) Contract Management
Modul 14 (M14) Project Handover and Closure
Modul 15 (M15) Operation & Maintenance Planning
Modul 16 (M16) Management of Work Teams and Project Staff

Other Information

Program For Industry

Program for Industry


Construction Personnel

Construction Material

Construction Industry Standard CIS


Safety And Health


Environmental Sustainability

Construction Information

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