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Supervisor Development

Certification Construction Safety
and Health Officer (CSHO)

Introduction ObjectiveEligiblity RequirementsApplicantCertification ModesOther Information

Program For Industry

Introduction Objective

The course adds value to the construction personnel’s knowledge and skills in construction safety and health. It is open to all interested construction personnel. Participants will undergo the course and pass an assessment to qualify for the award of a CIDB Achievement Proclamation.

Eligiblity Requirements

Anyone with interest for certification is eligible to apply.


This course is being offered to all construction personnel/individuals who are directly or indirectly involved in safety and health supervision and management at construction sites.

Certification Modes

Course participants who have passed all assessments will be awarded with an Achievement Proclamation by the Board.

Program For Industry

Program for Industry


Construction Personnel

Construction Material

Construction Industry Standard CIS


Safety And Health


Environmental Sustainability

Construction Information

Global Mission

kaji selidik



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