A total of 11 participants successfully completed the ACE – Accelerator Programme for Construction Entrepreneurs Programme or the New Generation Contractor Entrepreneur Development Programme at the Sarawak Regional Academy. This programme aims to produce new millennium contractor entrepreneurs who are knowledgeable, quality, competent, competitive and able to drive the Malaysian construction industry.
The Honourable Deputy Minister of Works Malaysia, Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan, officiated the ceremony, which was also attended by Yang Berhormat Ir. Hj Yusuf bin Hj Abd Wahab, Chairman of CIDB Malaysia and Tuan Haji Razuki Ibrahim, Deputy Chief Executive of I CIDB Malaysia.Â
He also cited that the effectiveness of the ACE Programme led Malaysia to produce a new generation of contractor entrepreneurs and form a “Bangsa Usahawan” in the Malaysian Construction Industry. In line with the government’s intention, the ACE Programme will be resumed and scheduled to begin in June 2024.